Jive Features


  • Lower your monthly expenses
  • More features from your phone system?

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* Denotes extra charge for service.
** Jive Desktop provides increased integration of Jive features into the desktop computing environment. When a user installs Jive Desktop on their PC, phone numbers in Outlook or a web browser are suddenly clickable and initiate calls from their phone to the number clicked.

Today, a small business phone system is increasingly part of a converged network—an Internet Protocol (IP) network that seamlessly ties together voice, data, video conferencing, wireless, instant messaging, and other business-critical communications tools and applications.

A small business phone system on a converged network makes basic as well as sophisticated business communications more affordable, whether it’s for a small business or a small office that’s part of a larger company.

How an IP-Based Small Business Phone System Saves Money

      • With a small business phone system on an IP network, you have only one network to manage, which is less expensive and more efficient than managing separate networks.
      • A small business phone system saves your business money on long-distance charges, because you can use your data network to place calls both nationally (FREE IN OUR CASE) and internationally at extremely low rates.
      • A small business phone system reduces the costs of moving or changing a phone extension.
      • You’ll save time—and therefore money—when adding a new site or a new employee.